速報APP / 購物 / WeldingSupply.com Barcode Scanner Shoppi

WeldingSupply.com Barcode Scanner Shoppi


檔案大小:14.2 MB

版本需求:需要 iOS 10.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


WeldingSupply.com Barcode Scanner Shopping Tool(圖1)-速報App

Launch app, press start, locate a barcode in the camera preview. As soon as a barcode is detected phone beeps, highlights barcode in green and sends a message to WeldingSupply.com and WeldWarehouse.com that returns accurate details, prices and the best order option to your phone's Safari web browser. Rich product content returned for over 200,000 welding supply items.

WeldingSupply.com Barcode Scanner Shopping Tool(圖2)-速報App

As welders already know, you will have packages with barcodes to scan when you are in our store, in a competitors store, or in your shop or office with an items you are already using and need to reorder or learn more about.

WeldingSupply.com Barcode Scanner Shopping Tool(圖3)-速報App

Welders also know that most purchases are actually repurchases of consumables. Packaging is often the only thing remaining when it is time to reorder. Scanning the barcode on what remains of the original item packaging is often the only way to reorder accurately. Welder's don't have time to remember every tip size for every machine, or every welding wire type and size. Now every welder with this app can simply scan barcodes off empty spools, tungsten packages, and contact tip bags and know exactly what item they used last time. This makes ordering over the internet or phone possible and will even shorten time in stores telling staff what you can remember about the product need and have just run out of.

WeldingSupply.com Barcode Scanner Shopping Tool(圖4)-速報App

Now that us welders have explained to the app reviewers why we need this barcode app, can someone explain to us why non-welders need social apps to get dates and make friends?

WeldingSupply.com Barcode Scanner Shopping Tool(圖5)-速報App

Hope to see, or hear about you using this app to scan barcodes soon. Keep holding the world together brothers!

支援平台:iPhone, iPad